Cigar Brands

Drew Estate Cigars: A Fusion of Innovation, Tradition, and the Spirit of Nicaragua

Drew Estate Cigars: A Fusion of Innovation, Tradition, and the Spirit of Nicaragua

Drew Estate cigar logo Drew Estate, a trailblazer in the premium cigar industry, is renowned for its inventive blends, striking packaging, and exceptional quality.

Founded in 1996 by Jonathan Drew and Marvin Samel, the brand has its roots in New York City but quickly established a state-of-the-art factory in Estelí, Nicaragua, known as La Gran Fabrica Drew Estate.

The brand’s innovative approach to cigar-making and its dedication to blending traditional methods with contemporary ideas have earned Drew Estate a dedicated following among cigar enthusiasts.

The 5 Top Drew Estate Cigars

The Drew Estate brand offers a diverse range of cigar lines, each with its distinct characteristics, flavor profiles, and strengths. Some of the most popular and highly acclaimed lines include:

  1. Liga Privada – The Liga Privada line is a series of full-bodied cigars that feature a blend of Nicaraguan and Honduran fillers, a Brazilian binder, and a Connecticut Broadleaf or Connecticut Habano wrapper. These cigars are known for their rich, complex flavors, with notes of earth, espresso, and spice.

  2. Undercrown – The Undercrown line is a medium to full-bodied cigar that boasts a blend of Nicaraguan and Brazilian Mata Fina fillers, a Connecticut Habano binder, and a San Andrés Maduro or Ecuadorian Connecticut Shade wrapper. These cigars offer a well-balanced flavor profile with notes of cocoa, leather, and a touch of sweetness.

  3. Herrera Estelí – The Herrera Estelí line is a medium-bodied cigar created by master blender Willy Herrera. It features a blend of Nicaraguan fillers and binder with an Ecuadorian Habano wrapper. These cigars are known for their smooth, creamy flavors, with hints of cedar, pepper, and a subtle sweetness.

  4. ACID – The ACID line is a series of infused cigars that feature unique blends and aromatic profiles, making them stand out in the world of premium cigars. Each ACID cigar is infused with essential oils, botanicals, and herbs, offering a distinct and flavorful smoking experience that caters to a wide range of palates.

  5. Kentucky Fire Cured – The Kentucky Fire Cured line is a medium-bodied cigar that features a blend of Nicaraguan and American fire-cured tobaccos. The fire-curing process imparts a smoky, savory flavor to the tobaccos, resulting in a unique and bold smoking experience with notes of hickory, oak, and a touch of sweetness.

Drew Estate cigars have consistently earned high ratings and accolades from cigar publications and enthusiasts alike. The brand’s dedication to quality, innovation, and the art of cigar-making has solidified its reputation as a top choice among discerning cigar aficionados worldwide.

The Finest Cigars Require the Finest Tobacco

Drew Estate‘s unwavering commitment to quality, innovation, and the art of cigar-making has solidified its reputation as a top choice among discerning cigar aficionados worldwide. A key component of the brand’s success lies in its strategic decision to move to Nicaragua, a country with a rich history of tobacco cultivation and cigar production.

Like many other successful cigar companies, Drew Estate recognized the benefits of relocating to Nicaragua, a land blessed with fertile soil, ideal climate, and a deep-rooted tradition of tobacco farming.


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The move allowed the brand to access an abundance of high-quality, flavorful tobaccos, as well as to tap into the wealth of local knowledge and skilled artisans that populate the region. This combination of prime resources and local expertise has proven instrumental in elevating the brand’s status within the premium cigar industry.

In addition to the tangible benefits of relocating to Nicaragua, the move also allowed Drew Estate to immerse itself in the vibrant cigar culture that permeates the country.

By embracing the time-honored techniques and traditions passed down through generations of Nicaraguan cigar-makers, Drew Estate has been able to forge its unique identity, blending old-world craftsmanship with modern innovation to create a diverse portfolio of exceptional cigars.

As you explore the captivating world of Drew Estate cigars, you’ll not only savor the incredible flavors and aromas that define each blend but also appreciate the brand’s deep connection to the land and people of Nicaragua.

This symbiotic relationship between Drew Estate and its adopted home has played a vital role in the brand’s ongoing success and continues to inspire the creation of exceptional cigars that delight enthusiasts across the globe.

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