Tatuaje Cigars: Bold Flavors, Distinctive Blends, and the Spirit of Boutique Craftsmanship
Tatuaje Cigars: Bold Flavors, Distinctive Blends, and the Spirit of Boutique Craftsmanship
Tatuaje cigars, a highly respected name in the premium cigar industry, are known for their exceptional quality, bold flavors, and unique blends.
The brand was founded in 2003 by Pete Johnson, a passionate cigar enthusiast who sought to create a line of boutique cigars that would captivate discerning aficionados.
To achieve this, Johnson partnered with the esteemed GarcÃa family, who own and operate the My Father Cigars factory in EstelÃ, Nicaragua, where Tatuaje cigars are meticulously handcrafted.
The Most Popular Tatuaje Cigars
Tatuaje is celebrated for its commitment to excellence, attention to detail, and the use of carefully selected, high-quality tobaccos to create sophisticated and flavorful blends. The brand offers a diverse range of cigar lines, each with its distinct characteristics, flavor profiles, and strengths. Some of the most popular and highly acclaimed lines include:
Tatuaje Black Label – The Black Label is a medium to full-bodied cigar featuring a Nicaraguan Sun Grown Criollo wrapper and Nicaraguan fillers and binder. These cigars are known for their rich, complex flavors, with notes of spice, earth, and cocoa.
Tatuaje Havana VI – The Havana VI line is a medium-bodied cigar that boasts a Nicaraguan Corojo 99 wrapper and Nicaraguan fillers and binder. These cigars offer a well-balanced flavor profile with notes of cedar, pepper, and a touch of sweetness.
Tatuaje Fausto – The Fausto line is a full-bodied cigar that features a blend of Nicaraguan fillers and binder with an Ecuadorian Habano Maduro wrapper. These cigars are known for their bold, robust flavors, with hints of dark chocolate, espresso, and black pepper.
Tatuaje TAA (Tobacconists’ Association of America) – The TAA line is an annual limited-edition release created exclusively for members of the Tobacconists’ Association of America. These cigars typically feature a medium to full-bodied blend with an Ecuadorian Sumatra or Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper, offering a unique and flavorful smoking experience.
Tatuaje Monster Series – The Monster Series is an annual limited-edition release inspired by classic horror movie characters. Each release features a different blend and unique packaging, making them highly sought-after by collectors and enthusiasts alike.
Tatuaje Reserva – The Reserva line is a collection of cigars that feature unique blends and higher priming tobaccos, resulting in a more intense and flavorful smoking experience. These cigars are known for their complexity and refined character, offering a variety of profiles to suit different palates.
Tatuaje cigars have consistently earned high ratings and accolades from cigar publications and enthusiasts alike. The brand’s dedication to quality, innovation, and the art of cigar-making has solidified its reputation as a top choice among discerning cigar aficionados worldwide.