Cigar Brands

Partagas Cigars: A Celebration of Flavor and Heritage in Premium Smokes

Partagas Cigars: A Celebration of Flavor and Heritage in Premium Smokes

Partagas is a historic and prestigious cigar brand, renowned for its rich heritage and high-quality cigars. The company was founded in 1845 by Jaime Partagás y Ravelo, a Spanish immigrant in Havana, Cuba. Partagas quickly gained a reputation for its exceptional craftsmanship and distinctive flavor profiles, making it a favorite among cigar connoisseurs worldwide.

After the Cuban Revolution in 1959, the Partagas brand, like many other Cuban cigar brands, was nationalized by the Cuban government. A separate, non-Cuban Partagas brand was established, producing cigars for the US and international markets. This Dominican version of Partagas is owned by the Scandinavian Tobacco Group.

Today, Partagas continues to produce premium cigars using carefully selected tobaccos from various regions, including the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, and Cameroon. The brand offers a diverse range of cigar lines, appealing to both novices and seasoned enthusiasts, and maintaining its reputation for quality, craftsmanship, and exceptional flavor.

The Most Popular Partagas Cigars

Some of the notable cigar lines from Partagas include Partagas Serie D, Partagas Black Label, Partagas 1845, and Partagas Lusitanias, among others. Partagas has maintained its esteemed position in the world of premium cigars by consistently delivering superior quality products that honor its rich heritage and the art of cigar making.


The 5 top selling Partagas Cigar lines are:

  1. Partagas Serie D – The Partagas Serie D is a highly sought-after cigar line known for its robust flavor and flawless construction. These full-bodied cigars feature a Cuban-seed wrapper, binder, and filler, offering a complex profile of earthy, spicy, and woody notes. A favorite among enthusiasts, Serie D is perfect for those who appreciate a bold and well-rounded smoking experience.
  2. Partagas Black Label – The Partagas Black Label boasts a rich blend of Dominican and Nicaraguan fillers, encased in a dark, oily Connecticut Medio Tiempo wrapper. These full-bodied cigars deliver an intense flavor profile, with hints of espresso, dark chocolate, and pepper. The Black Label is ideal for seasoned aficionados seeking a bold, satisfying smoke.
  3. Partagas 1845 – Partagas 1845 is a medium-bodied cigar line that features a blend of Dominican and Nicaraguan fillers, a Connecticut Habano binder, and an Ecuadorian Habano wrapper. With a balanced flavor profile of earth, cedar, and subtle spice, the 1845 line offers a smooth and enjoyable smoking experience, perfect for both novices and experienced smokers.
  4. Partagas Lusitanias – The Partagas Lusitanias is a classic Cuban cigar line, known for its impeccable construction and rich flavor. These full-bodied cigars feature Cuban-seed tobacco, delivering a complex profile with notes of leather, cedar, and spice. The Lusitanias are an excellent choice for those seeking an authentic and captivating Cuban cigar experience.
  5. Partagas Decadas – The Partagas Decadas is a limited-edition, premium cigar line crafted to celebrate the brand’s rich history. These medium to full-bodied cigars feature a blend of aged Dominican and Nicaraguan fillers, a Cameroon binder, and a rare Cameroon wrapper from 1995. With flavors of cedar, coffee, and a hint of sweetness, the Decadas offer a luxurious and sophisticated smoking experience that honors the legacy of Partagas.

Partagas is a renowned and historic cigar brand that has been captivating the palates of cigar enthusiasts since its inception. With a rich heritage and unwavering commitment to quality, Partagas offers an impressive array of cigars that appeal to a variety of tastes.

Each line showcases the brand’s dedication to craftsmanship and exceptional flavor, ensuring a memorable smoking experience for both novice and seasoned cigar aficionados.

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