H. Upmann: A Legacy of Exceptional Cigars from Cuba to the Dominican Republic
H. Upmann: A Legacy of Exceptional Cigars from Cuba to the Dominican Republic
The H. Upmann cigar company is a prestigious cigar brand with a rich history that dates back to 1844. The company was founded in Havana, Cuba, by German banker Hermann Upmann and his brother August. Hermann, an avid cigar enthusiast, had moved to Havana and started the business as a way to combine his passion for cigars with his banking profession.
H. Upmann cigars quickly gained a reputation for their exceptional quality and distinctive flavor profiles, becoming a favorite among cigar connoisseurs worldwide. The company has earned numerous awards and accolades throughout its long history, including several gold medals in international exhibitions during the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
After the Cuban Revolution in 1959, the H. Upmann brand, like many other Cuban cigar brands, was nationalized by the Cuban government. A separate, non-Cuban H. Upmann brand was established in the Dominican Republic, producing cigars for the US and international markets. This Dominican version of H. Upmann is owned by the renowned cigar company Altadis U.S.A.
Most Purchased H. Upmann Cigars
Today, H. Upmann continues to produce premium cigars using carefully selected tobaccos from various regions, including the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, and Ecuador. The brand offers a diverse range of cigar lines, appealing to both novices and seasoned enthusiasts, and maintaining its reputation for quality, craftsmanship, and exceptional flavor.
Here are 5 of the most popular lines of H. Upmann Premium Cigars:
H. Upmann 1844 Reserve – The H. Upmann 1844 Reserve is a tribute to the brand’s rich history, offering a medium-bodied smoke with an Ecuadorian Habano wrapper, Nicaraguan binder, and Dominican fillers. This cigar boasts a refined flavor profile, featuring notes of cedar, nuts, and subtle spice, perfect for both novices and experienced smokers.
H. Upmann Vintage Cameroon – Featuring a rare African Cameroon wrapper, the H. Upmann Vintage Cameroon is a medium-bodied smoke that balances Dominican, Nicaraguan, and Peruvian fillers. It offers a rich and creamy flavor profile, with notes of coffee, cedar, and sweet spices, providing an elegant smoking experience.
H. Upmann The Banker – Inspired by the brand’s founders, the H. Upmann The Banker showcases a rich blend of Nicaraguan and Dominican fillers, an Ecuadorian Sumatra wrapper, and a Nicaraguan binder. This medium to full-bodied cigar delivers a complex flavor profile with hints of cocoa, coffee, and earth, ideal for aficionados seeking a bold and satisfying smoke.
H. Upmann Connoisseur – The H. Upmann Connoisseur line is a luxurious cigar series, featuring an expert blend of Nicaraguan and Dominican fillers, a Connecticut Broadleaf binder, and a silky San Andrés wrapper. These medium-bodied cigars offer a creamy, smooth profile, with notes of roasted coffee, cocoa, and a hint of sweetness, perfect for discerning palates.
H. Upmann Hispaniola by José Mendez – A collaboration with master blender José Mendez, the H. Upmann Hispaniola features a unique blend of Dominican tobaccos, an Ecuadorian Sumatra wrapper, and a Dominican olor binder. This medium to full-bodied smoke delivers a complex and spicy flavor profile, with notes of cedar, leather, and pepper, offering a remarkable and invigorating smoking experience.
H. Upmann Cigar Production
H. Upmann cigars are renowned for their meticulous selection of high-quality tobaccos, sourced from prime growing regions such as the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, and Ecuador. This commitment to excellence ensures a refined and unparalleled smoking experience for cigar aficionados.
Each H. Upmann premium cigar boasts a unique and carefully crafted flavor profile, designed to tantalize the palate. The primary flavors associated with their cigars typically include rich, complex notes of cedar, nuts, coffee, and subtle spices.
These elements harmoniously intertwine to create a smooth and satisfying experience that embodies the brand’s legacy of sophistication and exceptional craftsmanship. H. Upmann’s enduring dedication to quality, flavor, and innovation has solidified its position as a premier choice among discerning cigar enthusiasts worldwide.
The H. Upmann cigar brand has endured as a symbol of exceptional quality and taste since its inception in 1844. With a diverse portfolio of premium cigars, including the 1844 Reserve, Vintage Cameroon, The Banker, Connoisseur, and Hispaniola lines, H. Upmann has managed to captivate both novice and seasoned enthusiasts alike.
The brand’s journey from Cuba to the Dominican Republic serves as a testament to its adaptability and unwavering commitment to producing unparalleled stogies. H. Upmann cigars will undoubtedly continue to hold its esteemed position in the world of premium cigars, carrying forward a legacy of fine craftsmanship and flavor.
I was trying to compile a definitive list of the top 100 cigar brands in order of popularity, but rankings can vary based on personal preferences, regional availability, and market trends. And, I could only locate 80+ cigar brands being sold in the United States where I currently live. So, we compromise..
I can however, provide you with a list of 80 of the most popular and widely recognized cigar brands, which have consistently earned high ratings and accolades from cigar publications and enthusiasts alike. Please note that this list is not exhaustive or ranked in a strict order, but the closer to the top, the more popular and well-known: